
Thanks for finding this site (hopefully it wasn’t extremely difficult) and I hope to write as many stories as possible.

Firstly, this website is a collection of stories, articles, and just updates to my life.

Secondly, I am usually busy, so having a proper update schedule is sadly not an option for me. I do however promise to at least update weekly.

Lastly, I hope you enjoy my content.

New articles for PCInvasion

Getting into the hand of writing more right now. PCInvasion has been really welcoming so far and I’ve been having a lot of fun writing for them.

League of Legends Patch 10.6: https://www.pcinvasion.com/league-of-legends-patch-10-6-update-changes-death-touch-much-more/

Warframe Update coming in March: https://www.pcinvasion.com/warframe-update-overhaul-the-calm-before-the-storm/